Thursday 14 January 2010

Time to catch up...

In an effort to catch up with this blog writing I'm going to do two things;

1) Viva - tayrona-national-park - I hope its not too whiney! (only joking Sophie x)
2) Viva - overland-to-venezuela

Yes yes, its very much cheating I know. But you have to remember I'm the cameraman in this team and I've spent most of my time sorting out photos and backing up 10GB worth of images on line. Yeah fun! And I wouldn't want you to have to read things twice now would I?

Don't worry, I'll get back to writing things from my point of view soon enough. But, in summary, we spent Christmas and New Year with friends on Margarita island and Tobago respectively. We went off our intended route and very much off our intended budget. But these guys, well, they're worth it. Hang on, I've just done a quick check on expenditure... they must be REALLY good friends!

So, Christmas and New Year was spent playing cricket on the beach, going fishing and generally relaxing and not having to travel every two days. It was bliss. It wasn't all lazing around though. There was plenty of hard work done in the form of card playing and drinking games. Am I really 30? What was I doing 10 years ago? Oh yeah, drinking games. Oh well, on a positive drinking note, I discovered dark rum - now my choice of spirit!

Back to the backpacker trail meant flying from Tobago back to Colombia, which we did via Miami (we didn't fancy another venture into Venezuela). And no one said Miami would be so cold! Since when is Miami that cold you can see your breath in the air? Hmm, that pesky global warming.. erm I mean climate change. I blame it for the hole in our budget too!


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